Prohibited / Restricted Item Policy on EstateSales.NET

EstateSales.NET is a unique site. The items listed are often listed by an estate sale company that has been tasked with selling all the items of an estate. We help estate sale companies save millions of items from going to the landfill every year. We also help with the preservation of history. Some of the best estate sales are those of a collector who loved collecting a certain type of item or from a certain era of time (for example: mid century modern furniture or memorabilia from the 50s).

We are not a curated site though. In other words, we do not pick and choose (or even see beforehand) the items that get listed. That being said, there are items that are either illegal to sell or are specifically not allowed on our site. This page is our attempt at providing guidelines on what can and can't be listed on EstateSales.NET.

Adult Items (pornography) and Nudity

While our site is for those over the age of 18, we still try to keep it family-friendly. Pornographic items may not be sold, purchased, or pictured on EstateSales.NET. They may be listed in the sale description if the items are for sale on location. Items with real or very realistic nudity should have nudity blurred or blocked out. Sales that have a majority of its items in this category are not allowed to be listed.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

There are many restrictions around selling items that are related to animals. Here is a list of specifics related to the purchase of animal parts or items that include animal parts on EstateSales.NET (this should not be considered a complete list):

Counterfeit Items

Counterfeit items (including money) should not be sold, purchased, pictured, or listed on EstateSales.NET. Examples would include:

Firearms and Destructive Items

Illegal Items

Items that are illegal to sell should not be sold, purchased, pictured, or listed on EstateSales.NET. There are many federal, state, and local laws and regulations on what can and can't be sold. It is both the responsibility of the seller and the buyer to follow the laws and regulations of their government.

Intangible Items

Intangible items may not be sold, purchased, pictured, or listed on EstateSales.NET. This includes items such as gift cards, coupons, prepaid cards, services, and cryptocurrency.

Legal Limitations

With the exception of items mentioned specifically in this document:

Medications and Medical Devices

Medications or medical devices that require a prescription may not be sold, purchased, pictured, or listed on EstateSales.NET.

Offensive Items

If an item promotes hatred or violence toward a person or group because of sex, race, age, disability, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or genetic information, it should not be sold, purchased, pictured, or highlighted in a sale title on our site. Specifically, the following items would not be allowed:

Recalled Items

If an item has been recalled by its manufacturer or a government body, it should not be sold or purchased on EstateSales.NET. Examples would include certain lawn darts, drop-side baby cribs, hope chests, etc.

Specific to our Online Marketplace

Some items may not be listed on our EstateSales.NET Marketplace because of restrictions by the companies we use to process online payments. We currently use Stripe and Square to process payments. Items on Stripe's restricted items policy and on Square's restricted items policy may not be listed on the EstateSales.NET Marketplace if accepting online payment.

How To Report

If you believe something violates one of the above-restricted items or it is unlawful to sell, please click the "Report This Item" link while on the sale, picture, or item page. Alternatively (or if the "Report This Item" link is not available), an email may be sent to support@EstateSales.NET with a link to the item page and the concern.

What Happens When This Policy is Violated

When EstateSales.NET is made aware of potential policy violations, there are different actions that can take place. Some possible actions are the following: the item being removed from the sale listing, the sale being removed completely, or the seller's account being suspended or cancelled. Seller refunds or credits are not guaranteed to be issued if an item or sale is removed because of a policy violation.